Healthcare Asia Pacific

Omron Digital Weight Scale

Find out about about Omron's body composition monitors

Keep track of your body weight and more!

Our digital weight scale can show you accurate measurements of weight & BMI* !
*BMI is shown on OMRON connect app.

Keep track of your body weight and more!

Our digital weight scale can show you accurate measurements of weight & BMI* !
*BMI is shown on OMRON connect app.

Know more about Weight Management

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What is Body Fat Percentage?

Refers to percentage of body fat mass (weight of the fat)

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What is Visceral Fat?

Found in abdomen and surrounding vital organs. It largely goes unnoticed. High visceral fat level may lead to conditions such as high cholesterol, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 

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What is Skeletal Muscle Percentage?

Proportion of the weight of skeletal muscle to the body weight. Skeletal muscle is the muscle that can be trained (increased) through sports.

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What is Resting Metabolism?

Amount of calories needed to supply the body with the minimum level of energy. 

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What is Body Age?

Based on resting metabolism and served as a guide to judge if body age is above or below average for actual age.

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What is BMI?

An index to determine if you are in the healthy weight range for your height. 

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Omron Digital Weight Scale

Find out about about Omron's body composition monitors

Keep track of your body weight and more!

Our digital weight scale can show you accurate measurements of weight & BMI* !
*BMI is shown on OMRON connect app.

Keep track of your body weight and more!

Our digital weight scale can show you accurate measurements of weight & BMI* !
*BMI is shown on OMRON connect app.

Know more about Weight Management

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What is Body Fat Percentage?

Refers to percentage of body fat mass (weight of the fat)

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What is Visceral Fat?

Found in abdomen and surrounding vital organs. It largely goes unnoticed. High visceral fat level may lead to conditions such as high cholesterol, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 

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What is Skeletal Muscle Percentage?

Proportion of the weight of skeletal muscle to the body weight. Skeletal muscle is the muscle that can be trained (increased) through sports.

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What is Resting Metabolism?

Amount of calories needed to supply the body with the minimum level of energy. 

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What is Body Age?

Based on resting metabolism and served as a guide to judge if body age is above or below average for actual age.

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What is BMI?

An index to determine if you are in the healthy weight range for your height. 

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