Very happy with the device. Helpful with treating aching back and leg muscles. Along stretching and beginner's pilates. Only used a few of the available settings but will experiment with others should the need arise.
by Pet************ on 08/04/2024

I have tried it once and I couldnt work out how to use it. Way too many instructions. Im waiting to see my sister in law to help me out.

by Mel*********** on 05/04/2024

Love it but the replacement parts are too pricy.
by Chi*********** on 16/03/2024

Happy however I found the size too big for my handbag & how about re-chargeable batteries plus a power supply please!
by Pen************* on 03/01/2024

Purchased for wife to treat back pain.

She gets a great deal of relief from using it.

Very happy with ease of use and results for her situation.
Shane and Karen.
by Sha******* on 25/10/2023