Pain Management

5 Remedies for Back Pain

Feb 02, 2020

Remedies for Back Pain | Omron Healthcare

Almost all of us must have experienced discomfort in our backs yet only few know how to relieve the pain without the need for medication or drugs. If you have serious back issues, you might consider seeing your doctor.

However, if it’s just due to sitting too long in front of your computer or carrying a heavy backpack in your school, here are some ways you can remedy it without professional help.

1. Engage yourself in gentle exercise

As much as possible, engage yourself in exercises such as jogging, swimming or simply gardening in order to ease the pain. Regular exercise increases mobility and releases endorphins which block the pain signals to your brain. It will also help you stretch out those tense muscles and joints. 

However, there are some people who are still hesitant about doing exercise fearing that it would do more damage and it could be painful. Remember that the pain only lingers on the first few hours after exercise. As you exercise more regularly, your body gets conditioned and you will notice that the pain is less over time. The aches that you are feeling earlier are just your muscles and ligaments are just getting fitter.

Appropriate regular exercise guarantee long-term benefits to your overall well-being, beyond relieving the pain of your back.

2. Learn to breathe properly

One way of easing the pain by yourself is breathing properly. For instance if you have felt intense stinging pain in your back, you’ll eventually start to get dizzy and you’ll eventually take fast and shallow breaths. Learn how to breathe more deeply and slowly by practicing to get more air to the bottom of your lungs. Deep long breaths can calm your nerves and you’ll feel more control of the situation. It will relieve you from anxiety and eventually relax your muscles to ease the pain.

3. Maintain proper posture

You need to know how to manage your posture in order to reduce back pain. Slouching can only worsen the problem. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind.

Standing - When you are standing, avoid standing in the same position for a long period of time. You might want to walk around and elevate one foot just by placing it on a stool. You should change your foot position after a couple of minutes.

Sitting - Avoid sitting for a long time. The maximum time that you should allow yourself to sit is about 10-15 minutes. Make sure that you have a back support such as pillow or towel. Also, make it a habit to occupy the rest of the seat and do not slouch.

Driving - Always use a back support for your back. Make sure that the level of your knees is the same or even a little bit higher than your hips. The seat should be close enough to the steering wheel in order to support your back and it should also allow you to reach the pedals easily.

Lifting up objects - As much as possible, avoid lifting objects. If you can’t help it, do not lift an object from an uncomfortable position or objects that are heavier than 14 kg. Make sure that your feet are firm enough before you finally lift the object and always keep your back straight and knees bent.

4. Relax

Whenever you feel that your back is starting to ache, do not panic no matter how intense the pain is. Relax and breathe properly. You have to take control of the situation. You should also ease up the pressure that you’ve been putting your back in. Do not drop on your knees if you started to feel the pain, drop what you are carrying at the moment, take long deep breathes and then keep moving. This will help you in easing the pain even if you are in public places and not accompanied by anyone. 

There are also relaxation techniques that you could do in order to help reduce the pain. Make sure that you seek for ptofessional advice before you execute a certain technique or medication.

5. Look for a distraction

If you have felt the sudden pain in your back, look for things that could distract you from the pain. Find a hobby that you enjoy doing and make sure that you do not limit your mobility just because of your back pain.
Do not let the pain send you to bed and abandon your work. Sometimes, back pain can lead to anxiety and depression.

Seek professional help

If your back pain starts to disrupt your daily life, then it’s about time that you seek for professional help from a doctor to address it. 

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